Fressen, Kunst und Puderquaste

Die bei Flattr sind echt nett

Can you please put Luxembourgian in the language Filter as well? I know, it is not a very common language, but Flattr starts be quite popular in Luxembourg as well, and i know for a fact the there are quite some Bloggers writing in Luxembourgian. Thanks for considering my proposal. And keep on the good work.

Gudde Moien Joël! 🙂

I think we’re going to go through the language filters in the near future and add support for most languages as defined by the ISO-standard. Since Luxembourgian is part of that we might add it, but no promise!


1 Kommentar

  1. Joël (deen aaneren)

    Sehr cool, aber heißt unsere Sprache auf Englisch nicht „luxembourgish„?

    Bin ja mal gespannt, ob und wann das kommen wird!

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